
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Analysis: Pennsylvania has run up $105 billion in debt

There are some sobering statistics posted today by Nathan Benefield at POLICY BLOG, which is affiliated with The Commonwealth Foundation in Harrisburg.

According to numbers compiled by The Foundation, "Pennsylvania taxpayers have $105 billion in outstanding debt, or about $8,500 per person ($34,000 per family of four)."

And that's a conservative estimate of the total debt because some of the numbers are two to three years old.

A good chunk of that debt is by the state and guess who's been running the show over the past five years? None other than Ed "Tax-and-Spend-and-Borrow" Rendell.

Check out the numbers and be very afraid of where this state is headed, especially if the economy continues to falter.

Rendell (and his cronies in the Legislature, both Democrats and Republicans) have spent this state into the poor house over the past five years. And the sad part of it is that we'll be paying their debt for decades to come.

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